web counter Media Lies: Troublesome indicators....

Saturday, March 05, 2005

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Troublesome indicators....

....from Beirut.
Gunfire erupted late Saturday after pro-Syrian protesters arrived in Beirut's Christian sector that is the center of anti-Syrian sentiment, witnesses said.

Volleys of gunfire were heard shortly after a convoy of cars carrying pictures of Syrian President Bashar Assad, which had earlier demonstrated in Muslim south Beirut, headed later to the Christian sector of Ashrafieh.

People in the cars exchanged insults with about a dozen men on Sassine Square. The cars drove around and gunmen opened fire from the cars toward the men, the witnesses said.

There appeared to be no casualties.

Elsewhere in the city, including the main Martyrs' Square, protests for or against Syria continued peacefully, with people driving around in cars and honking amid heavy Lebanese army presence.
Obviously these were troublemakers looking for a fight. Hopefully this was an isolated incident, but given the history of Lebanon, it could easily devolve into civil war again.
