web counter Media Lies: News to me

Friday, October 15, 2004

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News to me

Hugh Hewitt seems to think that the Kerry gaffe about Mary Cheney will backfire hugely for Kerry-Edwards.

In another post, he discusses the reaction of Catholicism to Kerry's comments on abortion. He adds this curious statement.
Chaput never endorses George W. Bush --nor can religious leaders do so without running the risk of getting sued by the ACLU.
Huh? If this were true, the ACLU would be sueing the pants off of black preachers, wouldn't they?

Black churches are the traditional stomping grounds of Democrats on the hunt for votes. I haven't seen the ACLU sue any of them. Surely the ACLU isn't being selective about who they go after. That would indicate a bias on the part of the ACLU rather than an organization that's dedicated to defending the US Constitution no matter whose ox gets gored.

